Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Visit from the Easter Cat

They say that Easter comes but once a year. This may be true for families who are visited by the Easter Bunny, but the Rioux Famille does things a little differently. Lucky for Ethan. Not only does he get to hunt and decorate eggs; not only is he spoiled with chocolate by his parents. All this little man has to do is bide his time until the Easter Cat comes for a visit.

Never heard of the Easter Cat, you say? He only comes to very special children, those who are loved by people far and wide. And when he comes he's sure to bring a train full of happiness. Just look at that face. Does it get any sweeter? Thank you Easter Cat.

The Easter Cat is generous. He brings gifts of toy trains and chocolate rabbits. It's hard to say which is the preferred delight. Sure, the chocolate is tasty; but once it's eaten, the pleasure is gone. Toy trains have a lasting power that is fueled by creativity, laughter and boyhood dreams. Chug on, Easter Cat, chug on.


  1. Can't stop smiling. Can't stop smiling! CAN'T STOP SMILING!! Won't stop smiling.

    Aw. I love you guys, so much. Wish I was there.

  2. I had to watch it again. And again. Sigh.
