Well hello there, gentle reader. Ready to pick up where we left off?
As June dragged into July, M grew blonder and yet somehow remained adorably bald. His dimple deepened. Ever eager to fill his daddy's shoes, he still napped reliably on afternoon walks with his Grandpa. Not yet three, he was still (and maybe always will be) the baby of the family.
He told his parents he would be a marine biologist and study whales when he grew up. J had the feeling he didn't seem far from either.
It felt like the last summer they would be little. The last summer they would still sit in the grass and be dwarfed by its height. By September, M would begin preschool, and before long (if the government saw fit) E would begin first grade. J wanted to find a secret pocket in time where she could tuck her babies just as they were, keep them hidden and safe from the world.
Change has folds of sweetness beneath its salty flavours, and that summer they lingered long and slow. E's bangs grew passed his eyebrows and his beauty became brighter. Winter's child kissed by midsummer's light.
And M. Little lamb-child. All wide-eyes and watching.
They are always perfect, these boys, every moment they're in.
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