Friday, February 3, 2012

The Fourteen

It's now February, the month of love. Several people we love were born this month (and at least one of our loves was conceived). February is a warm, fuzzy month, despite the cold winds blowing outside. It's a good month for a feel-good project we're going to call "The Fourteen". This is not an original project, let us confess. Its roots are in the therapeutic theories of Alfred Adler, who once claimed he could cure anyone of depression in fourteen days. All that person had to do was one good deed for another every day for two straight weeks. Doing things for others, service before it what you will. We're going to see if it works. Starting tomorrow, on E's big day, we'll be posting our love to those we don't get to see every day in the hopes that celebrating our loved ones will ease the pains of being so far apart.

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