Friday, February 10, 2012

Thelma and Louise

Chère Louise, my partner in crime. 

We bonded over peach juice and pinecones, oh so many days at the bluffs and our lists of wrongs to right. You brought the hammer and I brought the music and we bashed and bashed and it was all we could do not to hurl ourselves off the cliffs as we purged. You saved me from myself. At fifteen I was all short skirts and garish make-up, wishing someone would find me beautiful in a way I could never see but longed to feel. You lusted after David Duchovny and I after Brad Pitt, or was it the other way around? We drank watered-down vodka and wore lampshades on our heads. We wrote each other hundred-and-fifty paged notes decorated with gum wrappers and clippings from YM magazine. We swore we'd drive across the country together and one day we will in our sexy minivans (yes, minivans are sexy). I would drive to the ends of the earth for you.  Do you remember when I gave you that candycane and you gave me one that was even sweeter? All my memories of you are sweet, even the ones that hurt like cold shoulders in the hallways and bitter, biting words scratched on looseleaf in purple pen. I knew you were always on my side. I love you like that first crush, that bff bracelet I never outgrew. You are the wild beauty in my life. 

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